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ADRA Updates

Please contact Dick Barber at dick@adraracing.com for your password to the Investors' Forum. We have some decisions to make and work to do.

The data has been obtained from hard drive damaged during the June break-in. The drive had to be opened in a clean room and the data restored bit by bit. That work was completed Thanksgiving week.

We finally have a complete list of the membership and most addresses of the important people in the Association's life.


Thank you for your abundant patience. The investors will be making a series of announcements over the next two weeks as to what ADRA will be doing.

Thank you to the many, many people who have written us since June expressing support, patience and gentle guidance. All offers for help have been kept until we could honestly use them.

We finally have obtained a partial list of members and others who have orders on back order. Over the next two weeks, those people whose names we have will be contacted to see if they still want their orders.

Dick Barber

Progress Report - now we can start talking more often
The new bulletin boards are up and I encourage everyone to look around. Please register so we have your current e-mail information and we know who is who. Soon, those who are not registered will not have a voice here. Valid email addresses will be required.

The new boards are broken into logical distinctions by business. Some boards, such as those for the Board of Directors will be private so they can have a forum to leave messages for one another without sharing with the world. Private boards will be made available to racers who still have not been paid and all vendors with outstanding contracts and invoices. This will speed whatever action will be forthcoming.

Of course all investors and stockholders will have a private board. These people should have a voice in guiding the restoration of ADRA.

The many people who have written and called Dick Barber and offered to help ADRA will be contacted shortly with passwords and a game plan. Few of the offers have been accepted to this point because ADRA required other business be settled.

Everyone else will have access to the general board which soon will include specialized boards addressing focused issues on this sport such as classes, class rules, locations of events, payouts and more. Your association will be coming to you for suggestions and wisdom.

More news in a couple of days.

Dick Barber

Chairman, ADRA

Racing plans for the ADRA
The Association has contacted several respected individuals in the sport to advise the Board on specific issues. So far, the major areas of concern include:

Next Race/location and possibilities
Repayment strategy/fiscal organization
Business expansion/business plan

Your Association is planning to put on at least one more West Coast race this year. Though this is controversial, we recognize that only by moving forward will the Association survive.

If you want to contact ADRA, you can call at: 775-783-0838
E-mail: Dick@adraracing.com

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